Knowledge and Information Systems
A: Editorial Manager (the KAIS on-line submission system) already distinguishes revised submissions by adding a suffix 'R#', such as #KAIS-D-15-00137R2 and #KAIS-D-14-00479R1, for revised paper submissions. R1 indicates the first revision and R2 is the third revision.
A: Handling editors can send reminders using the 'Send Reminder Letter' link under Administrative Functions. A handling editor can also update the reviewer due date for each manuscript, if an extension is being provided.
Meanwhile, Springer currently has automatic reviewer reminders enabled for KAIS, non-responsive reviewers can be un-invited from their assignment. The un-invitation is customizable for each manuscript, and the handling editor is be able to change the number of days or disable the un-invitation for that paper while inviting reviewers. However, this is not specific for each reviewer.
Please email Mohanraj Adhiarul (mohanraj.adhiarul AT with questions about setting up and sending review reminders.
KAIS requires at least 2 consistent reviews for a positive decision (including minor and major revisions) on a regular paper submission. For a negative decision, a negative review from either an external reviewer verified by the handling editor or by the handling editor is fine.
A handling editor is encouraged to take a quick look at each new paper assignment at first. If the paper is clearly irrelevant, weak or not competitive, the paper can be administratively rejected without any external reviews.
If a paper deserves external reviews, you should try at least 3 potential reviewers to begin with.