Knowledge and Information Systems
An International Journal
ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
by Springer

June 29, 2024: the 2023 KAIS impact factor is 2.5.

KAIS Journal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Authors

[Potential Authors] [Submitted Papers] [Accepted Papers]

For Potential Authors

  1. Q: I have a paper titled X, and I am wondering if it is suitable for Knowledge and Information Systems(KAIS)?

    A: KAIS submissions are expected to have a research contribution in either knowledge systems or advanced information systems. If X is relevant to one of the suggested topics in the Aims and Scope, and you think your paper has a clearly identified research contribution with possible comparative studies, you are welcome to go ahead and submit your paper; otherwise, you should try another forum.

  2. Q: Does the journal require page charges on accepted papers for publication?

    A: No, no page charges are required for KAIS.

  3. Q: How many papers does KAIS receive each year, and what is the acceptance rate?

    A: We received 1,741 paper submissions in 2023, and our acceptance rate for all paper submissions is 18.3% as of May 14, 2022. This acceptance rate includes selected best papers from some conferences including IEEE ICDM, and does not count withdrawn papers which were asked for major revisions after first round reviews. Therefore, the acceptance rate for regular paper submissions is actually lower than 18.3%.

  4. Q: Are there any Word templates or style files available for paper submissions?

    A: No, and there is not such a need either. A paper submission prepared in Word can use any format (with no restrictions on spacing or font size), and once accepted, Springer will put the paper into the KAIS format.

    If you use LaTeX, you can give a try with the KAIS LaTeX template at LaTeX/. If you cannot get the specified style file to work correctly, you can use any common style file.

  5. Q: The submission page at does not work on my machine. Can I submit a paper by e-mail?

    A: No, KAIS takes submissions on the Web only, because the editors need more information than your paper files.

    When you cannot access the submission page, you should try a different machine (a university machine if possible), and if the problem remains, please email for help (without attaching your paper files).

  6. Q: What is the word limit for a paper submission?

    A: Regular papers should be limited to 15,000 words, and short papers should be within 5,000 words. A full-page figure or table counts as 500 words.

  7. Q: I have a paper recently published at a conference. Can I submit a substantially extended version of this paper for KAIS?

    A: Yes, substantially extended versions of conference papers (with at least 30% new materials) are invited for KAIS submissions. It is required that you (a) cite the conference paper, and (b) include a statement of extensions at the beginning of your paper submission (or in the Additional Remarks of your web submission); otherwise, your journal submission may be rejected as a double submission.

  8. Q: How long does it take for the authors to receive a decision on their paper submission?

    A: We have a target turnaround time of 3 months. However, although we have been able to get back to the authors within 3 months for the vast majority of our paper submissions, this target turnaround time is NOT a guarantee for every paper. From time to time, we need more time to find good reviewers to provide quality review reports.

    If you are a graduate student in the final year and need a paper's final acceptance for your graduation requirements, KAIS might not be a right place to submit your paper, as we have no guarantee for a quick acceptance decision.

  9. Q: I am a final-year PhD student, and need this paper's acceptance to meet with my university's graduation requirements. Can I request an expedited review process for this paper?

    A: No, except for best papers from relevant high-quality conferences, KAIS does not have an expedited review process for regular paper submissions.

  10. Q: What is the difference in the review process for different versions (print version vs. electronic version) of the journal?

    A: There is no difference between the print version and electronic version in terms of the review process. Accepted papers are printed in both electronic and print versions.

  11. Q: What is the submission deadline for Volume X Issue Y?

    A: We do not have a submission deadline for regular issues. Papers scheduled for publication in each issue are from the Online First Articles.

  12. Q: I just submitted a paper. Could you please confirm that it has been received?

    A: Once the submission is complete, you should receive an email acknowledgement with a paper reference number, such as 8ff9f14a-927b-4ef1-bd94-02da7230289c.

[Potential Authors] [Accepted Papers] [Accepted Papers]

For Submitted Papers

  1. Q: It has been over XX months since the submission of my (revised) manuscript. With whom should I follow up to check about the paper's status?

    A: at Springer, NOT the EiC. KAIS has an established protocol for reminding handling editors and reviweers. If you prefer the EiC to forward your inquiry for you, that will only generate an unnecessary delay.

  2. Q: What does your "target turnaround time" actually mean? I have not received any feedback on my paper which was submitted 3.5 months ago.

    A: We have a target turnaround time of 3 months. However, although we have been able to get back to the authors within 3 months for the vast majority of our paper submissions, this target turnaround time is NOT a guarantee for every paper. From time to time, we need more time to find good reviewers to provide quality review reports.

  3. Q: Do you add new reviewers for revised papers?

    A: Yes, but only when there is a need by the handling editor's or EiC's judgement. For example, when the original reviewers do not respond on a revised paper, or they still have different opinions, we might well add new reviewers.

[Potential Authors] [Submitted Papers] [Accepted Authors]

For Accepted Papers

  1. Q: After reading the instructions for the final manuscript preparation, if I choose color reproduction for my manuscript, I should agree to pay the charges for color in the final version. Can you please provide any possible details on an indicative cost of color reproduction?

    A: Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs.

    Authors will be advised of the cost of print color images during the "My Publications" process. This process starts after the acceptance of your final manuscript submission, and includes the option to purchase Open Access for your manuscript, to purchase offprints and to pay for color images in print.

  2. Q: Does KAIS have any additional style files for the final manuscript preparation?

    A: Give it a try at LaTeX/. If you cannot get the specified style file to work correctly with your final paper, you can use any common style file.

  3. Q: Who is the person to contact for the confirmation of receipt of the final manuscript after its online submission?

    A: Christina Kaviya Nazario at Springer (

  4. Q: I cannot upload all source files with a PDF version of the final manuscript onto the KAIS submission system. Should I email everything to the Editor-in-Chief?

    A: No, the Editor-in-Chief cannot upload your files on your behalf. Please e-mail your uploading problem with all relevant details to Christina Kaviya Nazario at Springer (

  5. Q: My final manuscript has been submitted, and I have received the confirmation of receipt. What is the next step in the publication process?

    A: Springer will contact with you by e-mail with page proofs.

  6. Q: When will my paper be published in the hard copy of the journal?

    A: As soon as the page proofs are verified by you and Springer typesetters, your paper will be published at OnlineFirst on Springer's LINK server.

    Only after the OnlineFirst publication, your paper enters the publication queue for a forthcoming issue in the hard copy.

Copyright © 1998 - by KAIS Editorial Board (kaiseic AT gmail DOT com)