Knowledge and Information Systems
An International Journal
ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
by Springer

June 29, 2024: the 2023 KAIS impact factor is 2.5.

KAIS Reviewer Awards

To encourage reviewers for timely and quality reviews on a regular basis, KAIS has established the following policy on rating and awarding our reviewers for their time and effort.
  1. Each reviewer can get a Springer reviewer certificate upon their request, once they have completed at least 5 KAIS reviews.
  2. After a reviewer certificate, the reviewer can choose to apply for a free Springer book of their choice.
    1. Upon an application, Springer will verify the reviewer's review quality on the KAIS Editorial Manager.
    2. Only after the reviewer has received at least 3 "excellent" ratings, will Springer provide an award book and inform the Editor-in-Chief accordingly.
  3. To provide reviewer rating information for rewarding our outstanding reviewers, KAIS makes it mandatory for handling editors to rate every reviewer at paper decision time. There are 3 ratings for handling editors to choose:
    1. excellent (90 - 100),
    2. good (70 - 89),
    3. below average (< 70)
The point of contact for both reviewer certificates and award books is

Last updated: February 25, 2012.
Copyright © 1998 - by KAIS Editorial Board (kaiseic AT gmail DOT com)