Knowledge and Information Systems
An International Journal
ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
June 29, 2024: the 2023 KAIS impact factor is 2.5.
KAIS Reviewer Awards
To encourage reviewers for timely and quality reviews on a regular
basis, KAIS has established the following policy on rating and
awarding our reviewers for their time and effort.
Each reviewer can get a Springer reviewer certificate upon their
request, once they have completed at least 5 KAIS reviews.
After a reviewer certificate, the reviewer can choose to apply
for a free Springer book of their choice.
Upon an application, Springer will verify the reviewer's review
quality on the KAIS Editorial Manager.
Only after the reviewer has received at least 3 "excellent"
ratings, will Springer provide an award book and inform
the Editor-in-Chief accordingly.
To provide reviewer rating information for rewarding our outstanding
reviewers, KAIS makes it mandatory for handling editors to rate
every reviewer at paper decision time. There are 3 ratings for
handling editors to choose:
excellent (90 - 100),
good (70 - 89),
below average (< 70)
The point of contact for both reviewer certificates and award books is